Monday, July 07, 2008

Who else got an email from



  1. Did you?

    Uncle says he got a "call".

    If you're in, congrats.

    Even though I don't have a chance in Hades of winning a spot, I live less than an hour from Blackwater so if I'm not invited to any blogger dinners/meetups, etc I'm going to be really pissed.

  2. Far as I'm cobncerned you are more than welcome at any time.

    From what I understand we will be staying at Blackwater for the weekend

  3. I heard that. It's only about 30 minutes from Virginia Beach so you could come out and play some evening if you aren't too tired.

    Blackwater is pretty isolated so there's not a whole lot of fine dining to choose from...oh...there is Mr. Lu's number one Chinese in Moyock...

    Anyway, if you guys make it out into civilization at any time over the weekend, please let me know so I can join you.
